Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Family Swim

This morning I went swimming with my family.  Usually when it comes to swimming with the family I feel like I cannot get a workout.  Well I was wrong, I figured out how to do it.  In the swimming pool they have a sit in thing for the baby to sit and I hold on to it like a flutter board and swim.  It was fun, I enjoyed every moment of it.  I only wish I was able to get pictures.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Cheat Day

So today was my day to be a little liberal on what I eat.  I had pizza for dinner.  Maybe allowing one day to cheat will be easier to get through all the cravings.  We will see.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


Well I have decided to do a separate blog on my weight loss.  I have always been overweight all my life.  Going trough school being teased because of my weight, my buck teeth and my pop bottle glasses.  You try and not cry because it makes them tease you more but it hurt so much.

The desire to get the weight off was always there but did not know how to do it.  In school I tried to stay active.  Got involved in sport teams.  After high school that is when I put it on.  There was no outlet for me to keep active that I could think of.  I was bored and feeling lonely and sad.  So I dealt with it my eating.  I am one of those emotional eaters.  That is not good for someone who is obese to begin with.  If you have been following my other blog you would know what has gone on in my life the past few years, the emotional roller coaster.  For those who do not know I will tell you.  July 15, 2010 I gave birth to my first born a 34 weeks 6 days to a beautiful baby girl named Faith.  She died minutes after birth.  She had a lethal form of dwarfism. Getting through that was so hard.  When most expectant mothers are excited getting things ready and getting the room ready, I am hoping they are wrong and she is going to live and at the same time plan a funeral.

What made me really strive to get the weight off? August 2011, after getting frustrated that we have not conceived yet, I decided it was time to get myself healthy.  I stood on the scale and I was ashamed of how much I weighed and could not believe I allowed myself to get to that point.  So I got the gym membership, watching my portions and using the My Fitness Pal app.  I lost around 20lbs.  September 2011, I got a cold and wanted some relief.  The struggle with that was because I was late.  Honestly I was thinking, oh I have lost some weight so that is probably why, but I wanted to be sure.  So I took a home test and a big fat positive.  So I tried to keep active as much as possible and eat as healthy as possible.  As I got further along I had to put it all on hold.  May 19, 2012 my husband and I welcomed our precious little girl Joy.  

Joy is 8.5 months old and it is still a struggle to get this weight off.  Fighting the cravings for junk food is so hard.  In October I gave PGX daily a try.  I love it, and it has helped a lot.  Right now I have put it on hold because I am participating in a Biggest Loser Challenge among some friends so I am being fair.

So this is my year to Shedding the Weight!!! 
