Friday, July 26, 2013

Stressful times

It has been a while since I posted.  I have been so busy between so many celebrations happening all at once.  Starting with my birthday, wedding anniversary, Joy's birthday.  So I have been really struggling with staying on track.  On top of that personal stress going on in my life.  Wish I was able to stop stress/emotional eating.  It takes a toll on me so much.  I tried making healthier choices, honestly I hate measuring everything out, calorie counting.  It is a royal pain.  It seems that is my only solution.  I guess, it makes me more conscious of what is going in my mouth.  The struggle to get out to the gym is frustrating.  Really wish I can find my balance.  So hard to balance everything out.  I think I work until this time, I can get to the gym.  At the end of my shift I am so wiped out.  I am like, no way!!!! I will figure out what to do.

This picture of me wearing an outfit I bought and I could not fit into it.  Now I can.
